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These cookies are necessary and important to provide accurate and smooth operation of our website. For example, the ID authentication cookies in our website enable uninterrupted transition of your active session from one page to another.
Analytic/Performance cookies
Cookies are used to analyze web traffic and to improve the quality of our website, as well as to provide a better user experience by tailoring application operations according to users’ preferences and ensuring the functionality of the website. We recommend that you confirm the use of cookies for the best possible experience.
These cookies identify your previous country, language and currency selections for quicker browsing on our webpage. For example, when you change the currency, you can proceed without changing the currency in your next visit to our website.
Marketing cookies contain information necessary for your access to travel recommendations more appropriate for you or to the marketing offers in time. They help us to determine advertisements suitable for your interests, they are usually embedded by advertisement providers with the permission of our company. Personalized offers and targets are developed with these scalable advertisements.
On the other hand, these cookies remember the pages you visited on our website and share the information with advertisement providers. Therefore, the contents you view may be informative or have commercial purposes. These cookies may be used by advertising networks authorized by us including our website, search engines, banners, e-newsletters, email and social media advertisements.
You can visit our cookies policy webpage for detailed information.